Golden Girl
Wearing American Eagle Outfitters Tank|Blaque Label Skirt|Aldo Clutch & Bangles|Rayban Sunglasses|Havaianas Sandals
I was so excited when I received an email offering me the chance to participate in the Bloggers Wardrobe network!
This is such an amazing opportunity as a blogger, because Bloggers Wardrobe allows us to indulge in what we live to do-dream up outfits and capture them on camera in our personal Internet journals, while also giving exclusive access to designer brands, offering traveling opportunities and workshops. Most importantly, they encourage all of the bloggers to keep our integrity and own sense of style.
Sound too good to be true? Check it out for yourself here.
In other news, I have an exciting giveaway for the month of August starting next week! I will give you a hint, it has something to do with hair...
Have an amazing weekend everyone!
Cara McLeay